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Follow us on social media - see links below
A mobile food unit (trailer) we have and use to be involved in the community.
Luke 14:23 NIV Then the master told his servant, “Go out to the roads and country lanes and compel them to come in,
so that my house will be full.”
334 Elm Street Laconia, NH
Join us each Sunday for a time or worship followed by an anointed word that will help build your faith and give hope for the days we are liv...
334 Elm Street Laconia, NH
Gilford, NH
As part of becoming active disciples of God, we are all seeking to grow in our faith and understanding of the work and plan of God for these...
Gilford, NH
Laconia, NH
Join us for a time of celebration. We will have some special music performances as well as join in singing some well-known Christmas classic...
Laconia, NH